every step you take, information is spiralling in and out of you
every choice you make, can be aligned with this flow
notice what is there in you
share it, be mirrored and respond
open up to the effect you have
open up to what is alive in front of you
relate spiralling in and out
resilience truth and clarity
We offer the experience of relating to the Whole in facilitated journeys of 2 hours up to whole days.
We teach you the art of relating to the Whole in the time you want to dedicate to this.
We train you in practicing and facilitating the Way of Spiralling.
Womaning Standing Shining Pat McCabe
The core principles of the Art of Spiralling can be experienced in a short experiential workshop and can be learned over time.
We offer you tasters to dive in and breathe some fresh air.
We walk with you in your daily situations coaching you into adopting the Way of Spiralling.
Whatever we do, it is flexibel and adapted to your specific situation.
Spiralling impacts everyone, no matter where and who.
Try it and you'll experience its effects directly.
On your own nervous system, on your partners responses to you, on your rootedness and direction in life.
It all spirals in and out of you constantly.
Master this art and be aligned with existence.
The Way of Spiralling is core to my life and I'm convinced it is core to creating regenerative culture.
It boost resilience, leads to clarity with yourself and in relation with others and aligns convictions and actions to create an integral way of being.
The Way of Spiralling and my being and acting in the world is rooted in the Work That Reconnects by Joanna Macy, the Mindfulness Practice of Thich Nhat Hanh, Tantra Yoga and the insights of Womaingn Standing Shining Pat McCabe and Bayo Akomolafe from the Emergence Network.
Copyleft 2022 The Way of Spiralling
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